Ravioloni- Pumpkin-Sundried-Tomato and Feta

Pumpkin, Sundried Tomato & Feta Ravioloni

Great as an elegant starter or as main with a side salad.
5 min

15 min


This dish is the epitome of the Italian flag, with green pesto, white feta and beautiful blush red cherry tomatoes. Needless to say, tastes just as good as it looks.


  • 500g Pasta Vera fettuccine
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
  • 4 spring onions, finely chopped
  • 200g cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • 100g feta, crumbled
  • 200g Pasta Vera basil pesto
  • Parmesan cheese – garnish
  • Fresh basil leaves – garnish


  1. Fill a saucepan with water, season generously with salt, bring to a rolling boil, then drop in your pasta.

  2. Stir and separate the ribbons with a fork. Cook until ‘al dente’ or soft when squeezed between thumb and finger.

  3. Pour the olive oil into a large, heavy based frying pan. Over a medium heat fry the garlic until golden, add the spring onions and cook until fragrant and soft.

  4. Reduce the heat and tumble in the tomatoes, stir through the garlic and onions, then drain the pasta and add to the pan.

  5. Remove from the heat and add the feta and pesto. Toss gently until well mixed, rip some basil leaves (saving some for garnish) and stir through the pasta. Taste and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

  6. Serve with a generous topping of parmesan and the remaining basil leaves.

  7. Jax Says : to pimp this dish up to the next level, add 200g chopped olives and a handful of capers.

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